Sunday, March 31, 2013

Process of Acupressure

Process of Acupressure

What is the process of cure in Acupressure ?
Initially when we start acupressure we may find some points very tender or painful. If these points are pressed daily, the pain will start to lessen very quickly, this means that the organs or glands they correspond to will have started the healing process. When we press these points, toxins are being released from these organs, glands or nerves and these then accumulate in the kidneys. Therefore, it is very important that everyone doing acupressure must press the kidney points last, in order to eliminate all the toxins released from pressing all the other points.

How do you prevent disease by Acupressure ?
`Prevention is better than cure’ is a very important maxim. Only by acupressure can disease be prevented. Normally we never think about our health except when we are suffering with an illness. Even then we only realise that we are sick when the illness has significantly progressed, at which point we may not be able to carry on with our normal lives; or in extreme cases might even be bedridden.
Thus, when a healthy person presses their points and feels pain in some of them, it may signal the presence of an illness in its early stages.
Therefore a diagnosis can be made even when a person is unaware of any problems.
Over time, people usually have a build-up of toxins which accumulate and block the flow in the meridian lines and this affects their Vital Force negatively, often leading to damaged organs and glands.
With regular pressing of the points, any disease or illness, can be prevented.

Can anyone do this therapy?
Most people can do acupressure easily and safely, children, as well as adults.

Who is it not appropriate for?
Pregnant women who have previously miscarried should abstain from this therapy for the first 4 months of pregnancy. Generally pregnant women shouldn't press any point on the backs of the hands or feet. During pregnancy, points should be pressed in moderation but only after the first 16 weeks.
Also people with very high blood pressure and people under great mental strain should start treatment gently especially on the pineal and pituitary points.

Does acupressure have any side effects?
There are no bad side effects but some good ones. For instance if one has neck pain and presses the neck point it could result in the alleviation of shoulder pain as well.

Source : A Self Treatment Manual by Sagar Sagir.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Diagnosis in Acupressure

What is the method of diagnosis in Acupressure?
Research has shown that only a small percentage of disease is caused by germs and most by lifestyle. Bad habits are the main cause of disease, especially bad eating habits and chronic strees, which create toxins in the body, leading to health problems.
These toxins, fats etc. negatively impact our Vital Force. When this Vital Force stops flowing, the body starts giving us signals.
When any organs are diseased, their related points in the hands and feet will be very painful and/or tender when pressed.


How can we diagnose our own disease?
If there is pain or extreme sensitivity in any of the points below one may be able to diagnose both current or potential problems.

Solar Plexus (29)
Diagnosis of this point is possible by placing the palms together lining up the joint lines of our little fingers. They should match exactly, if not them our solar plexus needs treatment.
 Some common problems :
Stomach pain
Digestive problems.

Thyroid (8)
Some common problems :
Leg pain
Neck problems
Joint pain
Groos neck.

Lungs (30), Cold (34), Throat (6)
Some common problems :
Throat problems
Breathing problems
Teeth problems.

Brain (1), Cranial nerves (2), Pituitary (3), Pineal (4), Head blood vessels (5)
Some common problems :
Bad headaches

Pituitary (3), Pineal (4)
Some common problems :
Memory loss. 

Neck (7), Spine (9)
Some common problems :
Back pain
Hip pain
Joint problems.

Piles (10), Colon (20)
Some common problems :
Irregular stool

Prostate (11), Bladder (18)
Some common problems :
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Lack of control of urinary stream
In males, all the above as well as prostate problems. If there is pain on point no. 11 for men this means prostate problems.
Pain on this point for women means possible urinary/sexual gland problems.

Penis+ Vagina (12), Testes (15)
Some common problems :
Irregular periods
Period pains
Excessive bleeding.
Fertility problems
Premature ejaculation.

Lymph glands (16), Pancreas (25)
Some common problems :
If both points hurt it could mean diabetes. If the pain is moderate it could mean borderline diabetes.
If only point 25 hurts it could mean low blood pressure.

Shoulder (24)
Some common problems :
Shoulder pain
Frozen shoulder.

Hip and Knees (17)
Some common problems :
Hip and knee problems and pain.

Pineal (4), Adrenals (28)
Problem :
If both points hurt it could mean high blood pressure.

Heart (36)
Some common problems :
Chest pain on the left side of the body
Rapid heartbeat
Pain in the left arm.

Spleen (37), Adrenals (28), Heart (36)
If all three points have pain then the person has a cholesterol
problem, if points 25 and 37 have pain it could mean anaemia.

Gall bladder (22), Liver (23)
Some common problems :
Recurring gastric problems
Hot hands, feet and head
Burning head
Hair loss.

Small Intestine (19)
Some common problems :
Foot pain (especially in the heel and toe)

Stomach (27)
Some common problems :
Gastric problems
Compulsive biting of nails and skin
Heaviness and pain in breasts
Lower abdomen pain before periods.

Ear (31) Nerves of Ear (33)
Some common problems :
Ear problems

Energy (32)
Some common problems :

Eye (35)
Some common problems :
 Eye problems
Dry eyes
Cat aract.

Finally if there is pain on point 21 it could be appendicitis. Check points 11 - 15 and all the digestive points, stomach 27, small intestines 19, colon 20, gall bladder 22, solar plexus 29. If all these points hurt then you may have appendicitis and you need to press all these points three times a day.

Source : A Self Treatment Manual by Sagar Sagir.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Acupressure Point

Acupressure Point

Acupressure Points on the Feet and Hands.

Acupressure points in Hands

Acupressure points in Feet

Acupressure points

Source : A Self Treatment Manual by Sagar Sagir.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Acupressure : Origin and Basis

Origin and Basis of  

What is the  origin and background of Reflexology?
There is no documented evidence as to where reflexology origined but we do have historical documents alluding to miraculous cures.
It seems to have been discovered 5,000 years ago in ancient India. It was practiced by Indian sages and holy man on sick people. This is why the belief has came about that it is a divine method of cure.

Ancient picture of Acupressure

There is also information about other ancients practicing this method in China, Egypt and South America.
Dr William Fitzgerald, who was born in 1872, was responsible for reintroducing reflexology to the modern world. He graduated in medicine in 1895 from the University of Vienna.
When he practiced medicine in hospitals in Vienna, Paris and London, he used this method and achieved great results.

After much research, Dr. Fitzgerald and his assistant Dr Edwin Bowers MD wrote a book based on reflexology called Zone Therapy. Eunice Ingham (1889-1974) researched reflexology and published it.
She wrote two books; `Stories the Feet Can Tell’ in 1938 and `Stories the Feet Have Told’ in 1951. She developed charts and theories that from the basis of in modern Western reflexology.
In Britain the first person to introduce reflexology was Doreen Bailey who was a student of Eunice Ingham in the early 1960’s.

What is the basis of this method?
Acupressure, acupuncture and reflexology have the same basis for cure. In the human body there is a flow of bio-electricity even from the time it is a foetus. This bio-electricity is known as life’s Vital Force and only ceases to flow with death. This bio-electricity runs through our body like a current. It starts from the fingers of the right hand and runs through the body until it reaches the right foot and works in the same way on the left side of the body.
The channels this bio-electricity flows through are known as `meridian lines’ and acupressure and reflexology are both based on these energy channels. When these become blocked or don’t flow normally, disease and illnesses usually results.

Meridian line of Acupressure

Source : A Self Treatment Manual by Sagar Sagir.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Introducing of Acupressure, Part-1

 Introducing of Acupressure

What is acupressure?
Acupressure is a natural method of healing, achieved by  pressing various specific points in our body. It requires no medicines and has no bad side effects. The word acupressure comes from the word acupressure.

What is the root of the word Acupressure?
The word acupressure has its origin in the Latin word acupuncture `acus’ meaning needle and `puncture’ meaning to prick.

What is the difference between Acupressure and Acupuncture?
In acupuncture the pressure points are activated by needles. In acupressure needles are not necessary, the disease being alleviated by pressure alone. When the word `acus’ is used, it usually means `needle’.
In the context of acupressure it involves pressure being applied by the fingers or by a blunts instrument. Generally the pressure points in acupressure and acupuncture coincide. Researchers have found that if the same acupressure points are pressed instead of using needles, the results are the same. This is known as `Zone Therapy’.
difference between Acupressure and Acupuncture

Source : A Self Treatment Manual by Sagar Sagir.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Acupressure : Health on your Hands.


Self Diagnosis!

Cure without Medicine!!

Acupressure : the most scientific way to natural treatment.

The twentieth century has been a time of change and advancement in terms of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment. During this time diagnosis and treatment have been evolving.

Even with the advent of radiology, ultra sonogram and MRI, we still have too many diseases for which there is no cure.  

For many disease we have short term relief without cure. For the poor it is an even greater problem because of the expense of diagnosis and treatment. Often treatment has to be stopped because of the lack of funds.

This situation has slowly been getting worse. This is especially true for those people who seek access to different forms of Alternative therapies. Most people want alternative treatments to be recognized and treated at the same level as modern medicine. Even doctors are taking into consideration these alternative treatments whereas in the past these treatments were ignored.

A few decades ago, in the western world, acupuncture was ridiculed and thought of as non-scientific or even curious.

With the advent of time this treatment now is well thought of and in the West many acupressure treatment centers have opened. There are colleges where one can even get a degree in acupressure .

In the 21st century the world still faces the challenges of HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis B and C for which thought Medicine, while providing treatments, is yet to find a cure.

Danger makes people aware and this awareness leads to the search for answers. People are always searching new paths and this search sometimes results in new answers. An example of this is the treatment of acupuncture  resulting in the new answer of acupressure.

In acupressure we don’t required the use of needles because the same pressure points can be treated with blunt instruments and fingers. This is a great benefit to us all in that with a minimum of instructions we can treat ourselves expertly. For this to happen all we need is a desire to heal ourselves.

Therefore acupressure is indeed an affordable and safer treatment for all.

Source : A Self Treatment Manual by Sagar Sagir.